I’ve been struggling with an offline way to write these posts. I am not satisfied with the for offline blogging tools like Qumana, LiveWriter, or ecto. I can’t exactly define why not. Mostly they feel barely a step above the built-in tool so why bother. I’ve practiced with Google Docs, but it didn’t seem to translate the title properly–or I messed it up.
On top of all that, I use multiple input computers so even if I could settle on a single offline tool I’d have to install it on all three comps and then I would have my posts all over the place still. I suspect I’ll have to look at the WP export output to see what it looks like. I don’t want to risk losing all this effort. For now the offline tool that gets the most use is DarkRoom. It can be a bit flakey considering its nothing more than a textpad clone with cool-factor. No offense.
I am going back through my “Blog This” posts from Flickr. I started to get concerned that I wasn’t fully understanding the contradictory “Blog This” and “All Rights Reserved” tags on some pictures I was seeing. When I see the ARR tag without the BT button I only link back. But when the BT button had not been disabled I assumed that was a choice made by the photographer. Turns out it’s not; they have to explicitly toggle both separately. I am going back and requesting permission where needed.
Pictures every once in a while will spice up the textual overload of this blog, but I am not able to get all the pictures I need for inspiration by myself. I am working on some subtle art for the background and I may punch up a few gentle colors in the right places. As easy as it’s supposed to be, I find the whole CSS thing to be difficult to navigate. Not difficult to figure out–well, not entirely–but difficult to navigate someone else’s stuff. I know there are tools out there, but I haven’t had the time or volume to learn how to use those to make it easier on me.
I did get the tags to display at the bottom of each post here. Now I just need to get back to getting back to updating those first forty posts with the proper tags or that big REGULAR over on the sidebar is going to be more and more out of place. I’ve given some consideration to dumping that tag altogether but haven’t gotten around to fully thinking that over.
Need a short paragraph to break up the medium sized run I got going here. This ought to do.
Speaking of paragraphs, I believe I need to better consider how I am breaking up that level of thought in my writing. For now I am getting away with simple chunking of thoughts. I need to better compose at the paragraph level. Lead with a good sentence support with the following ones. That’s a great new feature. Along with whatever creative inspiration hits me, I will include a succinct paragraph that very closely conforms to the prescribed paradigm. Let’s try one now…
The cat down climbed the tree. The great big tabby hung like it had been thrown there and stuck. The orange splatter of legs and arms and tail pointed nervously back to the pained face. The cat seemed to be pausing to ask itself why it had done this again. It continued to scrabble down the high trunk of the pine below the lowest limb, half backward and half sideways. It slipped another body length, turned inexpertly, and plummeted to the ground within a shower of bark. As best it could it landed well and recovered its dignity.
Word count: 625
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