I’ve just noticed that the 100th day of writing here on 1000 Days will coincide with the my and my wife’s 10th anniversary. This was not planned or foreseen–not till today anyway.
I’m inclined to derive some meaning from this concurrence. I began writing at 1000 Days in a fairly random way. I’ve failed to write a couple days and and scheduled a couple outages. One hundred days isn’t exactly a easy duration to apply to a calendar to find a finish line from a start date. All this is to say that I didn’t and probably couldn’t have planned to have done this on purpose. It must be fate. The trouble is I am at a loss for what meaning it could provide.
My wife and I don’t both write. She’s not encouraging me to quit my day job to go pro (nor am I). She doesn’t even read this site. That leaves me to side with my unromantic mathematical friend that this coincidence contains no meaning. I won’t go so far as to fell it foolish to even think that it should; he can go there on his own.
I should spend the time instead getting a card or drawing a picture or writing a poem.
Word count: 206