This weekend we painted the familyroom. Thus no writing.
As I said recently and as I drug out over several thin weeks of real writing I enjoyed writing toward a deadline. Naturally I realized and then immediately began to sublimate that realization: I must learn to write toward my own internal deadlines if I wish to become any sort of useful writer.
Despite my poor adherence to the daily aspect of this blog over the past two years the time has come. I need to push to the next level. From now on 1000 Days will have a weekly cycle. Beginning today I will devise and plot a new 1000 word minimum story each week. I will release them Sunday nights.
Here are some guidelines:
- 1000 word minimum
- First five weeks will capitalize on existing characters or threads from the first 400 days
- Five different characters or threads
- After that who knows
- Releases will be stories with beginnings, middles, and ends.
- Monday: Brainstorming and loose plotting; Tuesday: plot outline and writing; Wednesday and Thursday: more writing; Friday|Saturday: draft release; Sunday: final edit.
Now to find the five.
Day 410