Without magic Malachi’s daughter will die. He must escape from a Texas prison and rescue his senile mentor from a dragon before that dragon extracts the man’s secret to unravel and destroy all magic.
I think this needs more work along the lines of yesterday’s exercise, but I’ll table that for today’s different exercise. Not before saying that I’d still like to clean up all the character references via pronoun and I think it’s important I find a smooth way to do more than imply Malachi is a mage. I’m not even certain I’ve implied that here.
I can pretend that I have stated his mage-itity. And will. My next step is to get some scenes from the above. I’m tackling this like my one-minute drill: no time; no filter.
- Malachi breaking out of jail
- Malachi learning his daughter is ill
- Malachi put into jail
- Daughter becoming ill/poisoned/injured
- Daughter and Malachi face to face in visiting room.
- The clockwork spider appearing to Malachi in his cell
- Malachi pleading with warden/lawyer
- Malachi battling dragon
- Mentor being abducted
- Malachi gathering help to battle dragon
- Finding out if dragon is metaphor or literal-ish
- Daughter having complications
- Dragon directly threatening daughter
- Mentor divulging secret to unraveling magic
- Escaped Malachi hounded by police
- Malachi committing crime
- Malachi being sentenced
- Malachi chatting with lawyer
- Mentor teaching Malachi
- Dragon attacking police chasing Malachi
- Malachi convincing police to help him battle dragon
- Dragon beginning the process to unravel magic
- Malachi discovering that unraveling magic will do more that threaten just his daughters life
- Discovering why/how magic supports his daughters continued life
- Dragon capturing mentor
- Mentor in captivity
- Malachi communicating with mentor somehow
- Prisonyard brawl to characterize Malachi
I’ll not stretch that exercise too much further. I think I had a couple repeats in there and a few that aren’t scenes as much as they are situations.
Part of my trouble is that I never meant for this to be a prison break situation and now it is. I like that. I’m just not certain how to write it up with much credibility. I need to do research or find a plausible way to truncate the prison portion of the plot.
I’ve got time left on my so-called hour to flirt with number four.
- Daughter becoming ill/poisoned/injured
At the start of yesterday this element wasn’t an element. Now it’s crucial. At that time I’d just considered her need for magic in the sense that she needs the existence of magic to be alive–like air. While that gives the story a mysterious larger world quality her mana-like dependence on magic doesn’t lend much immediacy to the story. However, I’d rather not have her injured and laid up in bed–at least not at first. If I put her in a bed then I need to create a intermediary to inform Malachi and that kneecaps the potance of the relationship. Maybe she has a magic injury he can sense.