My New Keyboard

Today I bought a new keyboard. It is maybe not as good as my last one—at least the matching mouse isn’t as robust as I prefer—, but it does have a working Printscreen button, a working number pad Enter button, and an A key I can read. The keys wave with a trough through the home keys and a ridge at the fringes and in the middle. They click soft and quiet. I think I will get used to the action.

I just watched the first episode of Firefly by Joss Wedon. I hadn’t realized it ran movie length until I was too late to stop and come in here to write. I probably shouldn’t compare myself to him, for there would be too many gaps. This show had everything they tell you to have with no let up on conflict.

I’ve discussed my troubles with conflict in the past. I’ve admitted that I understand conflict is important and necessary. I get that there is no point without it, so how come I continue to shy away from it and how can I stop doing that? The closest I can come to explaining my hesitation is that I guess I want it to be apposite conflict. I don’t want to just have plotless exertions against my characters.

So that’s my excuse. I want my conflict to be meaningful or none at all. Yes, I’m reading that back. Yes, I hear it too.

242 words on day 755

2 Replies to “My New Keyboard”

  1. @andy I’ve of course heard this for a number of years from friends, but never really got around to checking it out. Since it’s up on Netflix I have no excuse not to now.

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