Beh Lavi at the Bottom

April 18th is my new end date for 1000 Days.

A FANBOY warm up:
Elizabeth and Tony made the lasagna, poured the wine and served the bread, for Gustav and Konstantine had grown too old and too important to bother themselves with such dinner preparation.

The bolter rose slowly to hover above our heads, and Terri flew away.

The servants were not allowed to light the candles to guide the old king’s feet down the hall to his bed, nor were they encouraged to assist him up the uneven steps.

Rajesh intended to prepare the beds for his guests, but the sheets he thought were clean were dusted in ash and sand.

Stan spurred his horse to a throaty gallup, or he would never make the train.

The wind tugged at the candles’ flames like a spinster plucking eyebrows, yet the little fires remained.

The barbarian threw up her shield to block my sword, so I rolled to her side and kicked her feet out from under her.

Some of those coordinating conjunctions, specifically ‘nor’ and ‘for’, are a challenge to write. I’m better at ‘yet’ than I am ‘or’ most times too.

Beh Lavi, Curswoom, Praincala or Pratacalla, Jingle-pants.

Goal: Curswoom, “Woo”, wants to convince the city to increase the water flow for her district for more hours of each day.

“You won’t get in looking like that.” The guard distinctly avoided looking to Curswoom’s uncovered legs or tail. She whisked the auburn tip of it into the edge of his gaze then cracked it’s ropey length on the concrete floor. He continued to stare over her shoulder like a blind man missing all the normal interests.

“They called my number.”

“That just means ‘next’.”

“I can’t afford jingle-pants.”

“None of you Beh Lavi-curs ever can.” He surprised her by using the [proper name of both her race and clan] rather than the denigrating slang: bird-dog. [maybe he wasn’t as bad as she’d assumed].

325 words on day 944