…adjusted for selfish purposes to be 20 items long. Mostly because some of the top ten items include falsely boosted scores due to highly coincidental Internet searche matches.
I wanted to make sure the things I’ve written that people were reading made it out here.
- How Many Years is 1000 Days
- A Tattered Blanket
- 1000 Days Goes to Mars
- On the Life of Engineer Coffee
- Viper Comics Talent Search
- A Hump of Green Crabgrass
- Bradford’s Instinctual Reaction
- The Famous Rocking Cock Ranch
- Twelve Twenty-nine Two Thousand Eleven
- The Makers Marcail
- A Broken One-Minute Drill With My NaNoWriMo Prep
- This Won’t End Well
- Environmental Chotchkies
- Wrote Not Here
- Comic Book Practice Dialogue
- A Sorceress and A Witch
- My Script for the Viper Comics Talent Search
- Forgotten Follow Friday #fff
- Clean-cut Mal
- And Many Things He Hopes Not to Hear
There are not any surprises in here. Most of these are also linked to the websites of the pictures or paintings which encouraged my writing, so the high readership of each results from others’ popularity not my own.
Most of the stuff I’ve written each day of the last week is unpostable but not all of it. I’ll get that which isn’t up soon. You’ll be getting a real post for today as well–not just this filler.